Five Things to Know About Long-Term Care Insurance
Currently, about half of the population over the age of 65 requires paid long-term care, and on average, will spend $140,000 if paying out-of-pocket. This amount is nothing to scoff at, and yet many...
Three Things to Keep in Mind About Advanced Healthcare Directives
If you’re reading this, there is a good chance that in the past you have been asked about your advanced healthcare directives. It may have been at your doctor’s office, prior to a major medical...
An excellent and alternative way to improve and reduce challenging behaviors with dementia is exercise. Most importantly, find safe and enjoyable exercises for each person's specific level ability....
How Much Can You Really Afford for Assisted Living?
I recently met with a client to discuss long-term care for her mother, and the first thing she said to me when I proposed an assisted living was “We can’t afford it”. Many families are struggling to...
Caring for a Family Member with Special Needs
If you have a family member with special needs, whether it is a child or an adult, managing your family’s personal, caregiving, and everyday needs can have its challenges. Below are some common...
Seniors Under the Sun
Summer time is a fun time, but let's not forget hot weather can be dangerous. With age, many people's ability to notice changes in their body temperature becomes difficult and some health conditions...
Medicaid and Marriage
When faced with the high costs of care, particularly in a nursing home, married couples worry about depleting their nest egg. Picture your mother caring for your father, and being concerned that she...
Family Conflict and the Importance of Having a Plan
Family conflict is unavoidable. Unfortunately, many conflicts between one or more family members can lead to a day in court. One reason for family conflict can arise when parents age and become...
Is Your Mood Changing and Why?
Caring for a loved one full-time can be a stressful situation. It can become even more stressful if you feel like your loved one is never satisfied. If you start to feel like everything you do is...
What is Memory Care?
It is no surprise that with each passing year it becomes more difficult to remember things. This slight decline in memory is a part of the normal aging process, as our brains begin to process...