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What Is Probate?:
Probate is the process by which the Probate Court identifies a decedent’s heirs and determines the validity of the decedent’s Will. It also identifies someone to be responsible for administering the probate estate (called an Executor if there is a Will or an Administrator if there is no Will), and supervises the administration of the decedent’s probate estate.
Technically, probate also includes guardianship petitions and administration. When people speak of “Probate” however, they are typically referring to the administration of decedent’s estates.
What is the difference between probate and non-probate property?
In certain instances, joint tenancy property may be a “probate” asset if the decedent included the survivor’s name on the account merely as a “convenience”, with no intent to transfer the property to the other upon death.
Technically, probate also includes guardianship petitions and administration. When people speak of “Probate” however, they are typically referring to the administration of decedent’s estates.
Is probate always necessary?
Generally, if the estate is less than $50,000, a person (known as an “affiant”) may use a “small estate affidavit” to transfer such assets. A real estate titled in the decedent’s name, however, or as tenants in common, (either in Illinois or another state), generally cannot be passed using a small estate affidavit. Furthermore, an executor may choose to open a probate estate even if they are not required. An example of this would be if it is desirable to cut off creditor’s claims or to resolve a family dispute over the will.
Please note, that even if a probate estate will not be opened, if the decedent had a Will, it must be filed in the decedent’s last county of residence (concealing a Will can be a felony).
What if the decedent owed money at death?
What about taxes?
For federal and state tax purposes, a death will initiate two events:
- It ends the decedent’s last tax year for purposes of filing an income tax return.
- It establishes a new, separate entity for tax purposes, the “estate”.
For Federal tax purposes, it may be necessary to complete and file one or more of the following, depending on the decedent’s income, the size of the estate, and the income of the estate:
- Final Form 1040 Federal Income Tax return.
- Form 1041 Federal Fiduciary Income Tax returns for the estate.
- Form 709 Federal Gift Tax return(s).
- Form 706 Federal Estate Tax return.
For state purposes, an executor must file the appropriate state income tax return plus possible estate tax, inheritance tax and gift tax returns. In many states, gift, estate and inheritance taxes have been eliminated for most small and medium-sized estates.
The requirements for filing and payment vary widely from state-to-state.
Our Practices
The position of being legally responsible for the care of someone who is unable to manage their own affairs
Medicaid Assistance
Medicaid planning consists of selecting the best care, ensuring quality of life and protecting the assets for the elder
Elder Abuse And Exploitation
We have extensive experience in sensitively handling various types of abuse and exploitation cases
Living Trusts
Living Trusts have several advantages over Wills, like avoiding probate and guardianship, maintaining liquidity,
Nursing Home Contracts
Contracts can be confusing and some nursing homes even request illegal or unfair conditions
Probate is the process by which the Probate Court identifies a decedent’s heirs and determines the validity
Special Needs Planning
Special needs planning involves planning for a child or adult with disabilities to ensure eligibility for