Why a Will is Necessary

Why a Will is Necessary

One Caring.com survey, regarding Last Will and Testaments, shows the number of Americans with a will has had a minimal increase of only 2.5 percent over the past year. Overall, the percentage of those with a will continues to decline, 33 percent in 2021 versus 42...
What to Know about Life Insurance

What to Know about Life Insurance

Many of us have been thinking about mortality due to recent events like the coronavirus. We all want to make sure our family is taken care of after we pass. Life insurance can be an affordable way to provide for our children, a spouse, a sibling, aging parents, and...
Grants for Small Businesses

Grants for Small Businesses

If you’re thinking about starting a small business or trying to grow your business, small business grants can help you get started or stay afloat during the coronavirus pandemic and beyond. Some grants are specific to the pandemic, such as the federal PPP loans, which...