Staying connected and in communication with a loved one suffering from dementia is very important. Some days can be harder than others but we should always remember that regular connection with your loved one can really make difference in their mental health and over all well-being. Below are some tips on how to communicate with someone who has moderate to severe Dementia.

Find a Quiet Place and Time to Talk

 Finding a time and location that is quiet so that your loved one can focus all their mental energy on the conversation. Let him or her talk about whatever comes to mind. You can help by asking questions about events that occurred years ago, asking for advise, or talking about favorites- foods, ice cream flavors, and colors. If your loved one cannot respond , talk about your own experiences with him or her.

Refer to People by Name and use Nonverbal Cues

Using names when talking to your loved one with dementia will allow them to recall, or allowing them to pretend they know, rather than causing confusion or irritation in conversation. Avoid words like, he, she, and they. maintain eye contact and smile to put your loved one at ease and  provide comfort in a confusing time.


If you don’t understand something your loved one is telling you, politely let them know. Be mindful to engage but do not correct every statement they make.

Be Patience

Give your loved one time to process what you say and if you ask a question, give them time to respond. Don’t be afraid to ask the same question as it could elicit a different reeling or response each time.

Caring for your loved one should not feel stressful. Should you or someone you know need assistance do not hesitate in contacting one of our experienced elder law attorneys today!