Make the Most of your Visit to the Doctor

Make the Most of your Visit to the Doctor

Doctors’ visits are intended to be brief and it can be overwhelming trying to ensure you cover what you want to and retain the information provided to you by your doctor. Below are just a few small tips on how you can be a good advocate for yourself or your loved one....
Don’t Become a Victim

Don’t Become a Victim

Our elderly community is one of the most vulnerable groups in our society and with clever and constant new forms of communication its become easier for scammers to claim one more victim. Here are the top 5 Senior Scams. Internet/ E-mail fraud The internet has become a...
The Accessible Dream Home

The Accessible Dream Home

  Imagine your dream home – not much unlike your current home, only you would take out that wall in the kitchen or really open-up the living room for entertaining. Now imagine moving about your dream home in a walker or a wheelchair, imagine having to reach...