by Michael Delaney | May 19, 2019 | Aging
Doctors’ visits are intended to be brief and it can be overwhelming trying to ensure you cover what you want to and retain the information provided to you by your doctor. Below are just a few small tips on how you can be a good advocate for yourself or your loved one....
by Amy Delaney | May 17, 2019 | Aging
The Administration for Community Living, a federal organization founded by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, has declared May to be Older Americans Month! Here are some fun ways that you can celebrate the older Americans in your life: Plan a game night...
by Michael Delaney | May 17, 2019 | Aging, Elder Abuse and Exploitation, Medicaid, Nursing Homes
The Illinois Senate recently passed the Nursing Home Residents’ Quality of Care Initiative (SB 1510, SA #1), which calls for a stricter enforcement of the State’s minimum staffing requirements, heightened public transparency of nursing home violations, and...
by Amy Delaney | May 15, 2019 | Aging, Elder Law, Nursing Homes
As an advocate for someone in rehabilitation or in a nursing home, it is important to prepare to participate in a care plan conference. A comprehensive care assessment can become the contract between the facility and the resident. Major changes in the nursing...
by Michael Delaney | May 13, 2019 | Aging, Attorney News, Elder Abuse and Exploitation, Elder Law, Guardianship
In emergencies, the court can appoint a temporary guardian. The court will appoint a temporary guardian when necessary for the immediate protection of the person or his or her estate. The term emergency guardianship means you are requesting the court to appoint a...
by Amy Delaney | May 10, 2019 | Aging, Elder Abuse and Exploitation, Elder Law, Nursing Homes
“A mother is your first friend, your best friend, your forever friend.” With mother’s day right around the corner, the best and only thing you can give her is your time. Spending some time with mom can help improve her health and over all help her feel great...