by Amy Delaney | May 3, 2019 | Attorney News, Elder Law, Medicaid, Nursing Homes
Heather Voorn, President of the Illinois Chapter of the National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys (NAELA) presented the Legislator of the Year Award to Illinois Senator John Mulroe. In the last legislative session, Senator Mulroe tackled several complex issues...
by Michael Delaney | May 2, 2019 | Elder Law, Medicaid, Scams
Our elderly community is one of the most vulnerable groups in our society and with clever and constant new forms of communication its become easier for scammers to claim one more victim. Here are the top 5 Senior Scams. Internet/ E-mail fraud The internet has become a...
by Amy Delaney | Apr 30, 2019 | Aging
Social connection is the experience of feeling close and connected to others. It involves feeling loved, cared for, valued, and forms the basis of interpersonal relationships. I believe the importance of social connection is vital to our health and well-being....
by Michael Delaney | Apr 28, 2019 | Aging
Imagine your dream home – not much unlike your current home, only you would take out that wall in the kitchen or really open-up the living room for entertaining. Now imagine moving about your dream home in a walker or a wheelchair, imagine having to reach...
by Amy Delaney | Apr 26, 2019 | Elder Law, Medicaid
Are you waiting for a Medicaid application to be approved? Well, you’re not alone. In a letter to the Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services from the federal CMS agency, the State Medicaid agency was notified that it is in violation of federal...
by admin | Dec 12, 2018 | Elder Law, Medicaid
Unfortunately, many nursing home residents end up exhausting their assets on long-term care, but it doesn’t have to be that way. The best time to plan for the possibility of nursing home care is when you’re still healthy. By doing so, you may be able to...